Wednesday, July 25, 2012


My favorite name for God is Abba, which is Hebrew for father. I love the imagery of that name. As the Father, God fills every role of our earthly fathers and then some. As His child taking baby steps and learning to walk in His ways, we sometimes stumble and fall. We sit and cry until our Daddy picks us up, brushes off our little bums, wipes the tears away, takes our hand and helps us walk again. And when we disobey, he disciplines us. When we don't get our way and we stand there screaming at Him and stomping our little feet, much in the way petulant two year olds are prone to do, He patiently waits until we get it out of our systems and again, lovingly disciplines us, though yes, that discipline sometimes hurts. I love the idea that we can crawl up into God's lap and excitedly tell Him all about our day or pour out our hearts and hurts and bury our faces in His shoulder and cry it all out. He fixes what's broken and takes care of the boo boos. He picks us up and carries us when we're to tired to keep going. He puts us up on His shoulders to help us see things from His perspective. He teaches and models. He provides and protects. He puts Himself between His children and those who would seek to harm them (aka Satan). He brings s into a family where we are loved and served and where we, in turn, love and serve. He gives us an identity. He desires our ultimate good and delights in blessing us. There is so so so much more than these things, but how blessed are we to have an eternal Heavenly Father who loves us as children unconditionally?

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