Saturday, April 7, 2012

Why I Don't Microwave

For years I've viewed a microwave as only a means of reheating leftovers. I refuse to actually cook anything in the microwave. Microwaved potatoes are not baked potatoes, they're microwaved potatoes. Snobbish? Perhaps. But now I have an example of why nothing good comes from trying to use the microwave to cook. The  other night I was making dinner to be eaten in shifts as family members come in and out from meetings, etc. My mom wanted potatoes. So, not having enough time to bake her any, I chopped a potato up, put it in a small casserole dish, and drizzled olive oil, salt and pepper over top. I put saran wrap on top and stuck it in the microwave. Well I apparently set the time for too long because all of the sudden the worst smelling, most acrid smoke I have ever encountered came pouring out of the microwave vent. Here's the end result.

And that, ladies and gentlemen, is why I do not microwave.

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